Hourly Rentals
Private rides can be scheduled. Providing the Pavilion is not booked for an event.
Location: Harwood Pavilion
Grounds will be worked up as determined necessary by Fairgrounds Staff.
Scheduling: Private rides must be scheduled 48 hours in advance with Jim McKiernan or Shayla Anderson, via e-mail or phone at 509-765-3581.
Cost: $75 per hour
Minimum 2 hours - maximum 7 hours
Basic Rules: Private rides are not intended for official club meets, private lessons, or clinics of any sort.
Each rider must complete the following:
- All participants must check in with the Fairgrounds office M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm to sign required forms prior to their first ride.
- Contract which will include a Hold Harmless and arena rules acknowledgement including the WA State Equine Limited Liability Law.(Co-signed by parent/legal guardian if under 18 y/o)
- Affidavit that any Equine shall be up to date on all vaccinations and is in good health.